Friday, January 30, 2009

__________ People making __________ Dicision...

Well the title basically ask us to fill in the blanks. For example "Smart people making smart decision" or "Humble people making humble decision" or even "Future people making future decision" its all in our head on how we decide isn't it? Most people that are having trouble with another person will surely make up this sentence "Stupid people making stupid decision" then for most people who admire another person will certainly says something like "Wise people making wise decision". Well have you thought of when both wise and stupid people come across together and sit down to discuss business and you were there to be a witness. Then when the so call stupid people come out of a suggestion and your brain automatically says it is stupid. Out of the blue the wise people says it's a brilliant idea and you start going "WHAT???" of course it is just your thought. Well all of us are humans and we can't deny the fact that we are all learning. The fact that we call stupid people stupid is because we are blinded by something call emotions or reaction or feelings towards that particular person or maybe he is just stupid. But when times passes people do learn a lot through sight or reading. So there is a lesson when you decided to call people stupid is to make sure that he is really stupid because when you call stupid to others it means you are also calling yourself stupid for you didn't really look forward his idea and because of that we are not wise either. Because wise person uses the thinking of 1 brain can't solve much but a few can solve a million [oh man i started to crap......................... who cares]. Well is the same goes as humble people because they are called stupid. As we know we can't survive in the world without money. So during Chinese New Year a stranger plans to give out lots of hong pau but of course we get to chose. There are different sizes as we know bigger hong pau means larger amount of money at least that is my thinking. Here is the thing humble people will give other people a chance to chose 1st even if he ended up last and that is when he got no choice to chose the least one, the small one. Isn't being humble stupid? think about it... [sry guys i like to leave it hanging.. =p]

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