You know
Im gona be not me
The me back then is gona come back
I think Its just for a short time
But a short time can leave a big impact to others
And that short time remains longer than something you did so hard to repair it
If I ever had change your opinion towards me
Then think this way
I might change to be a better person
Or worst
I may not know this because what I do I do is right for my thoughts tell me so
It is hard to say what your actions wana say
Cause words can lie
And action always tells the truth unless you are train to do the opposite
Im telling you this is because I don’t want you to be deceive by anyone nor me myself
And if you do trust me then have faith in me for I will be better for you
And I wont try to be worst cause I know how it feels like to be threaten that way
And if you caught me doing what you cannot accept
Like doing drugs
Or stealing
Or drinking
Or doing what im not supposed to do
I hope that you will leave a bad impression about me
And spread to the world that im not what I am they think it is
And forget about me
Cause If u care about me
Then i might ask you to join me
To do those things I did
Worst yet to influence you
So it is better of.. not knowing me then to get yourself involve in my affair
Im writing this so that you will know what to do when this things happens
And im still conscious about what im doing now
Well it is still for you to decide on things
I know this is kinda sad post..
But it is better to know it earlier
Dun be serious
Or sad
Or disappointed
For now…..
im still me
And I will try to overcome myself as long as im still conscious
On my action
Hey hey
Let me tell u a joke alright..
You went to an event,
And then…
There is this lucky draw
And you won something!!
They announce very like a big event
And when you go up
Everybody claps
And guess what you won a….
lame right lame right?
i know its not funny
or maybe it didn't make your day..
but promise me that u will smile..